Technology development for an intelligent autonomous vehicle design, focused on internal logistics operations in industrial environments.
March 2019 – December 2020

The key to success
The main objective of the VIA project is to develop the technology that enables the design of an autonomous intelligent vehicle focused on internal logistics operations in an industrial environment. This technology means that the vehicle itself scans the plant, locates its position, plans the itinerary and is guided through its navigation system, safely bypassing obstacles, whether fixed or mobile, which it detects through sensors, with the ability to adapt to dynamic changes in the working environment.

How we achieve this
-Development of simultaneous localization and mapping systems based on SLAM algorithms.
-Development of intelligent vehicle navigation control (navigation architecture and advanced trajectory planning and intelligent navigation algorithms, so that the vehicle reacts to obstacles and unforeseen events, thus allowing uninterrupted processes, even if there are incidents en route, as well as safe navigation in high traffic and personnel traffic environments
-Design of sensoring positioning and mapping requirements definition .
-Vehicle control unit development.
-Development of the protocol and remote communication system with centralized fleet control, compatible with different fleet management systems.
Subsidized by:
Hazitek Program 2019 y 2020: Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment department of the Basque Government and the European Union (FEDER)

Financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU